Our Community Projects
Our community work spans youth projects, cultural events, educational activities, mentoring and more. We work in a highly collaborative way to leverage everyone's expertise and enhance our social impact.
We invest grants into your work, taking great care to deliver projects to a high standard.
We work with consultants, facilitators, trainers and educators to deliver our projects online and in-person. Our roots are in Suffolk, but we also work further afield.
Our team are experts in arts, culture, history, education, diversity and inclusion, and communications. ​Through our community work, we aim to;
Create new and exciting opportunities for young people.
Champion the community's talent and our achievements.
Provide opportunities to engage in Black culture and heritage.
Create and develop opportunities for young people.
Check out our projects!
Local Black cultural initiative which engaged people in the first Power of Stories leg which was co-curated by Ipswich Museums and community members.
Power of Stories exhibition tour in partnership with Marvel, Suffolk County Council, the Association for Suffolk Museums, Moyse's Hall Museum, the Food Museum and Britten Pears Arts.
Black History education book in partnership with Suffolk County Council and the Association for Suffolk Museums.
Cultural education project in partnership with Ipswich Opportunity Area. We delivered online and in-person CPD for educators and delivered a range of fun and engaging Black history and cultural workshops in schools. Another strand of the project included the production of a short film about a local Black barbershop and its role in the wellbeing of Black men.
Human library project where young people interviewed older family members about their lives. The audio stories were recorded. A local Black artist created artwork of the young people and family members. The art and audio were used in a free exhibition at The Hold, Ipswich, in winter 2023. In partnership with Ipswich Cultural Education Partnership.
Our Partners